Saturday, August 16, 2008


Studio photo.

Woohoo sudah graduate!!!

It was last week actually. Just blogging about it today. It was on 10th of August 2008. The ceremony was a very long one! It started at 8(freakin')am and ended at 12:30pm. Kematu bontot aku duk dlm hall tuh lama2.

After the graduation ceremony ended, I did some photography ceremony with my friends. =p Whoever i know that passes by, I would say.."weh, hi congrats, jom amek gmbaaa!" and then i went on finding another person to take photo with. hahah. It was fun! Damn i'm going to miss college life so much!

I also went to the last session of MMU's 9th graduation day. My Melaka friends graduated as well. It was more fun than my graduation day. How odd. =p Ape2 pon, congrats to my friends who graduated this year, Maz, Huda, Kaklong, Aini, Feidah, Yana, Herry, and others. We've made it!!

Thanks to my girlfriends Zam, Alon, Umie, Yuni, and all for coming too! Korang mmg menceriakan graduation day kitorng. Muahhs!!

Okla till next time, later calculator.


fafa said...

hope pasni dapat keje cpat2
duk umah lame2 pon buhsan gak kann

Yani said...

dah start bosan dan berangan nak beli macam2.