Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Merdeka and Happy Ramadhan

Woohoo yesterday was the Merdeka Day!

I didn't go out to celebrate, sitting at home watching the TV instead. Malas nak kuar, KL for sure jem kem. Pastu igt nak tgk fireworks dari bukit G tuh, tapi tkde sokongan padu plak. Lagipon hujan. :(

oh ye bsok dah start puasa. wah cepat sungguh masa berlalu, pasni raya plak. but i still haven't got myself a job. Sebab baru anta resume kat ExxonMobil je. tu pon abah forced me to complete my resume. kalo tak, tah sampai bila nak duduk umah mcm loser.

and one more thing. i couldn't stop thinking about ______. whyyy??!!! tetibe teringat lagu Dreaming of you - Selena. =\ Puhhhleasee.

Here are some merdeka celebration photos which i got from The Star Online.

Pretty cool huh.

Later calculator!!!
Selamat berpuasaaaaa!!

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