Saturday, July 18, 2009

I want this

[Thanks Jason Mraz sbb sudi jadi model guitar]

Tibe2 nak guitar ni.

Jalan2 ngan fida kat midvalley tadi. Masok kedai guitar, and saw this small guitar, RM189. hermmm....

Tktaula kalau die punye bunyi tu sama ngan Ukulele tu atau tak.

Later calculator


ayuni! said...

erm beli gitar kecik nak hantar bulu gi guitar class ke?ihiks

fafa said...

fara pon ske gitar kecik ni

Yani said...

yuni: yep. bulu ade pesan arituh kalo ade gitar size die, die nak satu. harhar.

fara: jom beli jom. bleh blaja tugeder geder.

zarena said...

wah gamba atoz dicuci.. ;p
gitar ke tu? cam kompang je size dia

Yani said...

gitar le.

aku kompang muke ko kang baru tau.

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